: Demand-led growth and accommodating supply
his paper presents a "supermultiplier" model in which the growth of autonomous demand (demand independent of the state of the economy) determines the steady-state growth rate of output. With reasonable parameters, endogenous adjustment of labor supply and productivity causes supply to accommodate the demand-led growth path, reconciling Harrod's warranted rate of demand growth with the growth of supply. The model delivers a range of feasible aggregate growth paths and unemployment rates rather than a single "natural rate." The results explain how economies can become trapped with low growth due to weak demand or fiscal austerity and suggest policy responses to "secular stagnation."
Fazzari, Steven; Ferri, Piero; Variato, AnnaMaria (2018):
Demand-led growth and accommodating supply
FMM Working Paper Nr. 15, 32 Seiten